:: Volume 7, Issue 1 (April-May 2019) ::
IJPN 2019, 7(1): 41-49 Back to browse issues page
The Efficacy of Sexual Intimacy and Commitment Based Intervention on the Women’s Marital Adjustment and Sexual Satisfaction
Yaser Rezapour Mirsaleh , Hamid Delikhoon , Monireh Esmailbeigimahani * , Fariba Chehreazad
Department of Counseling, ArdakanUniversity, Ardakan, Iran , moniremahani@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4201 Views)
Introduction: Adjustment and sexual satisfaction during the life-long role play an important role in improving the quality of marital life and reducing its instability.The purpose of the present study was to determine the efficacy of sexual intimacy and commitment based intervention on the women’s marital adjustment and sexual satisfaction Ardakan city in 2016.
Methods: This study was a semi experimental research with two-group and post-pretest and follow up.among all married women who referred to Ziaee Anrichment center of Ardakan city at 2016 that include about 400 people, 28 of married women were selected by available sampling method and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. In study group, participants received 9 sessions 2 hour sexual intimacy and commitment based on commitment and sexual intimacy and control group received no intervention. Data collection was performed by the dyadic adjustment scale and Larson sexual satisfaction questionnaire. Data was analyzed by repeated measure ANOVA with repeated measures.
Results: The findings show that all dimensions of marital adjustment of married women in experimental group dimensions include satisfaction (F=8.850, P=0.002), correlation (F=6.195, P=0.004), agreement (F=13.043, P =0.0001), kindness (F=6.279, P=0.004) and sexual satisfaction (F=9.094, P=0.001) of married women in study group were improved than control group. This incensement is persistent until follow-up.
Conclusions: Based on yield results it can be said that sexual intimacy and commitment based intervention have a positive effect the marital adjustment and sexual satisfaction.
Keywords: Commitment, Sexual Intimacy, Marital Adjustment, Orgasm
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2018/01/21 | Published: 2019/05/15 | ePublished: 2019/05/15

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Volume 7, Issue 1 (April-May 2019) Back to browse issues page