:: Volume 1, Issue 3 (Autumn 2013) ::
IJPN 2013, 1(3): 54-61 Back to browse issues page
Stressors and coping strategies of psychiatric nurses iin psychatric wards
Yousef Varasteh mogaddam * , Majid Sadeg fard , Seyyed hosein Mohammadi
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF TABRIZ , varastehmy@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (39070 Views)
Introduction: psychiatry units’ nurses are faced with several tensions. Therefore, using proper coping strategies for reducing their aggravating effects seems necessary. The purpose of this study was to determine the stressors, coping strategies in nurses, working in psychiatry units of Razi Medical Educational Center. Methods: This survey was a descriptive-analytical study which was carried out with 104 participants of psychiatric nurses. Data gathering strategies consisted of three questionnaires: Personal information and Devilliers, Carson & Leary Stress Scale and PsychNurse Methods of Coping, stress and strategies of coping in PsychNurse were measured. For analyzing the data Spss.17 was used. In order to answer the research’s questions of Pearson correlation, Regression, variance analysis, Tukey and t-test were used. Results: Low payment threats from patients and attendants Lack of enough safety in wards were common causes of stress among nurses in psychiatry wards. Acute units nurses were experiencing relatively more stress than other units’ nurses in which this difference was more significant in chronic units (p=0/02) .There were no significant relation between other individual variables with job stress except the sex variable. Male nurses have experienced more high significant stress in comparison with female ones (p<0/05). Most nurses are trying to gain adaptation with these tensions by believing in and feeling good about themselves increasing knowledge and experience and relying on their abilities. Using emotional base coping for nurses in acute units and using problem base coping in chronic units is reported more than other units. Employing focus diverting thought-attention and emotional conflict in female nurses were more than male ones, in which significant difference were obtained in just thought-focus diversion (p=0/04). Conclusion: Acute wards’ nurses, who were experiencing high levels of tensions, employing extensively emotional base coping, educating, preventive practices and coping with received stress is recommended for employees, especially psychiatry wards’ nurses.
Keywords: Key words: Nurses, Psychiatric wards, Job stress, Coping methods
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2013/04/19 | Accepted: 2013/12/31 | Published: 2013/12/31 | ePublished: 2013/12/31

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Volume 1, Issue 3 (Autumn 2013) Back to browse issues page