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:: Volume 11, Issue 6 (February-March 2024) ::
IJPN 2024, 11(6): 25-36 Back to browse issues page
Comparison of Adolescents' Adjustment in Monogamous and Polygamous Families based on Mothers' Economic and Social Status
Azizollah Khosravi Shastan , Ali Reza Rajaei * , Saeed Teimory
Department of Psychology, Torbat-e Jam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Torbat-e Jam, Iran , rajaei.46@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1356 Views)
Introduction: Many factors, such as the economic and social status of mothers, can affect the adjustment of adolescents. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the effective components of these consequences; Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the adjustment of adolescents in monogamous and polygamous families based on the economic and social status of mothers.
Methods: The research method is causal-comparative.The statistical population of the research was made up of all adolescents aged 14 to 18, members of monogamous and polygamous families in Saravan city in the academic year of 2020-2021, accompanied by their mothers. 240 people, including 120 adolescents from polygamous and monogamous families and 120 mothers from polygamous and monogamous families, were selected through accessible and purposeful sampling, and were answered the Sinha and Singh's student Adjustment Scale and the Adjustment questionnaire and social and economic status of Gudrat Nama. After collecting the questionnaires, the data were analyzed using (SPSS-26) and through independent t-groups and multivariate variance analysis.
Results: The results showed that there is a significant difference between adolescents in monogamous and polygamous families in terms of emotional adjustment (P<0.05). There is no significant difference in terms of social adjustment, academic adjustment and general adjustment (P<0.05). Also there is a significant difference between the adjustment of adolescents whose mothers have a low economic and social status (P<0.05). Conclusions: According to the results, polygamous families can be informed that the economic and social status of mothers affects the adjustment of adolescents, so it is necessary for the family to pay special attention to the economic and social status of mothers for better adjustment of their children.
Keywords: Adolescent, Polygamy, Adjustment, Mothers.
Full-Text [PDF 355 kb]   (392 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2023/08/29 | Accepted: 2024/01/30 | Published: 2024/01/30 | ePublished: 2024/01/30
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Khosravi Shastan A, Rajaei A R, Teimory S. Comparison of Adolescents' Adjustment in Monogamous and Polygamous Families based on Mothers' Economic and Social Status. IJPN 2024; 11 (6) :25-36
URL: http://ijpn.ir/article-1-2282-en.html

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Volume 11, Issue 6 (February-March 2024) Back to browse issues page
نشریه روان پرستاری Iranian Journal of  Psychiatric Nursing
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