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:: Volume 5, Issue 3 (July-August 2017) ::
IJPN 2017, 5(3): 37-47 Back to browse issues page
Comparison of the Effects of Personal Intelligence and Body Intelligence Training on the Symptoms of Social Anxiety in Cosmetic Surgery Applicants
Mozaffar Ghaffari , Mohammad Narimani * , Sajjad Basharpoor , Nader Hajlo
Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran , mozaffar.ghaffari@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (6165 Views)
Introduction: Personal intelligence and body intelligence are the most effective factors on the symptoms of social anxiety and it can have a basic role in decreasing the cosmetic surgery. This study was performed to compare the effects of personal intelligence and body intelligence training on the symptoms of social anxiety in cosmetic surgery applicants.
Methods: This study was an experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow-up. The sample of the present study included 48 applicants referred to Tabriz cosmetic surgery centers for surgery in 2016. They were randomly assigned into personality intelligence training groups, body intelligence training groups and control groups. Mayer’s personal intelligence, Anderson’s body intelligence and Connor’s social phobia questionnaires were used to collect data. The data were analyzed by mixed ANOVA, Tukey's test and Bonferroni analysis with the SPSS 22 software. P value less than 0.05 was considered significant.
Results: Personal intelligence and body intelligence training had significant effects on decreasing the social anxiety (Partial Eta2 = 0.810; F = 95.93; P < 0.000), fear (Partial Eta2 = 0.565; F = 29.23; P < 0.000), avoidance (Partial Eta2 = 0.830; F = 110.19; P < 0.000) and physiological discomfort (Partial Eta2 = 0.663; F = 44.29; P < 0.000) in cosmetic surgery applicants. However, no significant difference was found between these two interventions regarding the treatment of the social anxiety of the applicants.
Conclusions: Considering to the effectiveness of personal and body intelligence training in decreasing the social anxiety in the cosmetic surgery applicants, it seems that personal and body intelligence training can reduce the cosmetic surgery tendency in applicants.

Keywords: Personal Intelligence, Body Intelligence, Social Anxiety, Cosmetic Surgery, Applicants
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2016/12/27 | Accepted: 2017/07/31 | Published: 2017/08/7 | ePublished: 2017/08/7
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Ghaffari M, Narimani M, Basharpoor S, Hajlo N. Comparison of the Effects of Personal Intelligence and Body Intelligence Training on the Symptoms of Social Anxiety in Cosmetic Surgery Applicants. IJPN 2017; 5 (3) :37-47
URL: http://ijpn.ir/article-1-866-en.html

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Volume 5, Issue 3 (July-August 2017) Back to browse issues page
نشریه روان پرستاری Iranian Journal of  Psychiatric Nursing
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