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:: Volume 6, Issue 2 (May-Jun 2018) ::
IJPN 2018, 6(2): 61-71 Back to browse issues page
The Effectiveness of Group Play Therapy on Behavioral Problems and Memory Performance of Girl Primary School Students with Special Learning Disorder
Zainab Pirabasi , Sahar Safarzadeh *
Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran , safarzadeh1152@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (6609 Views)
Introduction: One of the most important disorders in childhood is specific learning disorder, which is associated with behavioral problems and difficulty in memory function. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of group play therapy on behavioral problems and memory performance of girl students with specific learning disorder.
Methods: The statistical population of the present study was all elementary school girl students of Ahvaz city who were studied in the academic year 2017-2016. The method of this research was experimental (pre-test and post-test with control group). 30 students with specific learning disorder were randomly selected and randomly assigned to either treatment or control group. Participants in the experimental group received group therapy for 10 sessions of 60 minutes. The tools used in this study included the revised Wechsler Exercise Test for Children and Gersham and Elliott's Gaps.
Results: One-variable covariance analysis and then multivariate analysis were used to analyze the data. The results of covariance analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the control and experimental groups in the post-test with a control of the effect of the pre-test (P<0.0001 and F = 73.22) and the effect or difference was 0.54. In the follow-up results two months later, the effect or difference is equal to 0.22.
Conclusion: Based on the results, group therapy games have been effective in reducing behavioral problems and improving and rehabilitation the memory of girl students with specific learning disorder. As a result of creating the necessary grounds for group play therapy sessions in schools, it seems necessary that these can be effective in improving the students' psychological and educational status.
Keywords: group play therapy, behavioral problems, memory, specific learning disorder.
Full-Text [PDF 469 kb]   (2985 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2017/12/7 | Accepted: 2018/05/21 | Published: 2018/05/21 | ePublished: 2018/05/21
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Pirabasi Z, Safarzadeh S. The Effectiveness of Group Play Therapy on Behavioral Problems and Memory Performance of Girl Primary School Students with Special Learning Disorder. IJPN 2018; 6 (2) :61-71
URL: http://ijpn.ir/article-1-1083-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 2 (May-Jun 2018) Back to browse issues page
نشریه روان پرستاری Iranian Journal of  Psychiatric Nursing
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