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:: Volume 12, Issue 4 (October-November 2024) ::
IJPN 2024, 12(4): 13-24 Back to browse issues page
The lived experience of women heads of households covered by the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of the functions of psychological capital in improving mental health
Minoo Miri * , Seyed Alireza Ghasemi , Morteza Kadkhoda , Hossein Khosravi , Mohammad Amir Khosravi Chahak , Seyed Mostafa Saffari
farhangian uni , m.miri@cfu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (658 Views)
Introduction: Examining the mental health of female heads of the household and the factors affecting it is important. studies have shown that psychological capital can predict the mental health of people. The present study was conducted in order to investigate the lived experience of women heads of households about the role of psychological capital in mental health.
Methods: The research was a qualitative phenomenological type. The participants of this research were the female applicants who were the head of the household covered by the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of Birjand. interviews were conducted with 21 women through the purposeful criterion sampling method and based on the entry criteria, and this process continued until the theoretical saturation of the data. The research tool was semi-structured interview. To analyze the data from Colaizzi's seven-step strategy and to validate the answer to the main research question about the role of psychological capital in the mental health, Guba and Lincoln's four criteria were used. Finally, the research data was coded in the MAXQDA-11.
Results: The data were categorized into 4 axes: "self-efficacy", "resilience", "optimism" and "hope". The analysis showed that the psychological capitals, including self-efficacy, resilience, optimism and hope, have played a very important role in dealing with psychological tensions and developing the mental health of female heads of households.
Conclusion: The results while explaining the importance of psychological capital in improving the mental health of women heads of households and the importance of conducting more extensive research with the aim of understanding the dimensions of this effect, bring this importance to the support organizations to work hard in order to improve the psychological capital of women heads of households
Keywords: Psychological capital, hope, resilience, optimism, self-efficacy, single parent.
Full-Text [PDF 294 kb]   (259 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/06/24 | Accepted: 2024/09/7 | Published: 2024/10/1 | ePublished: 2024/10/1
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Miri M, Ghasemi S A, Kadkhoda M, Khosravi H, Khosravi Chahak M A, Saffari S M. The lived experience of women heads of households covered by the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of the functions of psychological capital in improving mental health. IJPN 2024; 12 (4) :13-24
URL: http://ijpn.ir/article-1-2434-en.html

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Volume 12, Issue 4 (October-November 2024) Back to browse issues page
نشریه روان پرستاری Iranian Journal of  Psychiatric Nursing
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